Saturday, January 3, 2009

To be quite honest..Im scared shitless..

Alrighty Karen update!

Christmas was amazing! and New Years I cant really remember but the pictures Ive seen they were pretty funny and great! =]

Coming into the '09 year I have found 2 cysts and counting... they scare me and they hurt and I cant move them around like I should and I cant remember if thats a good thing or not but im pretty sure its not. Im seeing the doctor on Monday and Im confused on why they are back and I want to cry and hit something. hard. really hard. I want to make a mark.
its my older sisters birthday today and shes 22.. lovely 22 and shes one of the people i can talk to about this but i dont want to frighten her about it so im keeping my mouth shut to her. i hope she likes my gifts.
why am i rambling?? i think i need to just keep typing because then i wont focus on the lumps underneath my skin that keep me from falling asleep.
im still wide awak at 5 in the morning... my dad was getting up to go to work and im still up watching season 2 of bones.. boy that show is addicting...
im making my sister a birthday mix for when she goes to Bellas for drinks with her friends.

i need a hug.

♥ tookie.

1 comment:

Sara Fowler said...

Oh my lady...
I am sending 80 million + infinity hugs to you forever and ever.
I'm sure you will be fine, but my thoughts are with you regardless.
I love you and I can't wait to see you in a week and a half! (wppoeoeo!!)

Good luck, sweet toots!! Let me know how it goes...